Big Data & Analytics

“Data is the New Oli” & if used correctly can be of immense value. Taking note of that, we have proven experience in building customized pipelines for you.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is the mining of actual context which identifies proper information from source data. It assists in monitoring social sentiment of any brand or product. With our expertise in working with several data sources & in multiple domains, our data analysts.

Data Warehousing

The architecture of a data warehouse determines the quality of reporting, analysis, performance and implementation of the designed BI strategy. Through ETL processing and data modeling, we consolidate relevant and accurate data in the client's preferred formats, eliminating inconsistencies and duplication while following best practices for security and governance.

Big Data Analysis

With the right tools and an extensive technology stack, our big data experts will provide you with effective insights for customer behavior, operational processes, fraud prevention, risk management and more. Through multi-channel integration, monetize on meaningful BI to achieve desired business outcomes.

Recommendation Engine

Understanding what your customer's preferences & using that for targeted content recommendation with decent accuracy results in 8 times the usual traction towards your business. Our Data Scientists with ample experience in generating robust analysis reports & building such recommendation engines makes a perfect team for your needs.

Dashboard Building

A coherent graphical representation of data helps you filter through various aspects of it, by conveying complex concepts in a simple, visually appealing format. On an interactive dashboard, businesses can explore data creatively to discover new patterns, trends & insights that facilitate quick decision-making & business strategizing. Our visualizations experts can analyse your data & represent it in custom dashboards effectively with ease.

Custom Data Pipelines

Our proficiency lies in creating OLAP multidimensional data models with centralized systems that can deal with large volumes of data and calculations, perform ad hoc analysis and provide quick responses to end-user queries. By eliminating clutter and segregating accurate data, we make the data available in a meaningful and understandable form through comprehensive reports.