AI & Machine Learning

With our expertise in Artificial Intelligence, we assist enterprises with creative & innovatie AI solutions.

Custom ML/DL models

Building a solution involving machine learning is much more than the model. It is a complex mix of data structures, model training, model integration and architecture. We engage in end-to-end delivery of a machine learning solution tailored to bring product features to life.

Natural Language Processing

There are many NLP APIs and services available today. Some of these services could give 80% accuracy on extraction tasks involving generic data. However, to solve really hard problems involving natural language understanding, especially with proprietary and small data sets, we need to skillfully use machine learning techniques along with traditional NLP algorithms.

Computer Vision

Deep learning techniques have given a fillip to computer vision and image processing solutions. However, training models for proprietary and domain-specific data sets is a challenge. We find innovative ways to transform the domain-specific part of a problem into a generic computational problem in order to deliver practical solutions.

Conversational AI

Having bots for any business have resulted in 3 times more leads & tractions but having conversational AI which generates response by understanding user's sentiment & needs have resulted in 12 times more engagement for the business. We will build you state-of-the-art conversational AI & with our experience in building conversational AI with multi-lingual & multi-channel integrable you get Effective, Efficient & Elegant results.